发布时间:2020-04-22 14:46:46 浏览量:4459
孙 杰,博士,教授
研究方向主要集中于利用计算机技术和数理统计方法从系统生物学的角度整合编码和非编码RNA相关的多组学数据和大规模肿瘤人群临床数据进行(1)系统识别具有临床应用前景的恶性肿瘤诊断和预警相关分子标志物;(2)分子水平肿瘤早期疗效判断和预后评价;(3)癌症发生和发展过程中非编码RNA调控网络在恶性肿瘤中的生物学功能、调控特征和临床意义。先后主持国家自然科学基金面上项目,青年基金、、省教育厅、省卫生厅、中国博士后面上项目、省博士后面上项目和温州医科大学高层次人才基金项目等在内的多项基金项目。目前担任SCI期刊Frontiers in Oncology和Frontiers in Genetics副主编, Current gene therapy和Artificial Intelligence in Cancer编委。至今第一和通讯作者在Nucleic Acids Research、Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer、Molecular Cancer、Molecular Neurobiology、Bioinformatics和Briefings in Bioinformatics等国际期刊累计发表SCI收录研究论文38篇,累计影响因子200余点,论文总引用>2900余次,10篇论文基于谷歌学术引用次数超过100次,单篇最高引用196次,前0.1%ESI热点(Hot Papers)论文1篇,前1%ESI高被引(Highly Cited Papers)论文7篇,H-index为27,i10-index为38;授权中国发明专利2项,受理国家发明专利4项;获市自然科学技术学术成果一等奖、优秀奖、省自然科学技术学术成果奖三等奖等荣誉。
1、Frontiers in Oncology副主编
2、Frontiers in Genetics副主编
3、Artificial Intelligence in Cancer编委
5、黑龙江省博士后基金,LBH-Z14212,基于复杂生物网络识别和优化复杂疾病相关的lncRNA 基因,5万元,结题,主持
6、黑龙江省博士后启动金,LBH-Q16172, 5万元,结题,主持
主要研究论文 (# equally contribution and * corresponding author)
1、Yu Y#, Zhang Z#, Meng Q#, Ma Y, Fan X, Sun J* and Wang G*. Comparison of the Efficacy of S-1 Plus Oxaliplatin or Capecitabine Plus Oxaliplatin for Six and Eight Chemotherapy Cycles as Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients With Stage II-III Gastric Cancer After D2 Resection. Frontiers in Oncology, 2021, 11:684627.
2、Zhao HQ#, Gu SS#, Bao SQ, Yan CC, Zhang ZZ, Hou P, Zhou M*, Sun J*.Mechanistically-derived patient-level framework for precision medicine identifies a personalized immune prognostic signature in high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(3):bbaa069
3、Zhou M#,Zhang ZC#, Bao SQ#, Hou P, Yan CC, Su J*, Sun J*. Computational recognition of lncRNA signature of tumor-infiltrating B lymphocytes with potential implications in prognosis and immunotherapy of bladder cancer. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(3): bbaa047
4、Zhang ZC#, Bao SQ#, Yan CC, Hou P, Zhou M#, Sun J*. Computational principles and practice for decoding immune contexture in the tumor microenvironment. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021, 22(3): bbaa075
5、Sun J#, Zhang Z#, Bao S#, Yan C, Hou P, Wu N, Su J, Xu L* and Zhou M*. Identification of tumor immune infiltration-associated lncRNAs for improving prognosis and immunotherapy response of patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer. 2020, 8(1).
6、Yan C, Zhang Z, Bao S, Hou P, Zhou M, Xu C*, Sun J*. Computational Methods and Applications for Identifying Disease-Associated lncRNAs as Potential Biomarkers and Therapeutic Targets. Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids, 2020, 21:156-171.
7、Sun J, Bao S, Xu D, Zhang Y, Su J, Liu J, Hao D* and Zhou M*. Large-scale integrated analysis of ovarian cancer tumors and cell lines identifies an individualized gene expression signature for predicting response to platinum-based chemotherapy. Cell Death & Disease. 2019, 10 (9), 1-12
8、Sun J, Zhao H, Lin S, Bao S, Zhang Y, Su J* and Zhou M*. Integrative analysis from multi-centre studies identifies a function-derived personalized multi-gene signature of outcome in colorectal cancer. Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine. 2019, 23(8):5270-5281
9、Zhou M, Zhao H, Wang X, Sun J* and Su J. Analysis of long noncoding RNAs highlights region-specific altered expression patterns and diagnostic roles in Alzheimer's disease. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2019, 20(2):598-608
10、Zhou M, Hu L, Zhang Z, Wu N, Sun J* and Su J. Recurrence-Associated Long Non-coding RNA Signature for Determining the Risk of Recurrence in Patients with Colon Cancer. Mol Ther Nucleic Acids. 2018, 12:518-529
11、Cheng L, Hu Y, Sun J,Zhou M* and Jiang Q*.DincRNA: a comprehensive web-based bioinformatics toolkit for exploring disease associations and ncRNA function.Bioinformatics. 2018, 34(11):1953-1956(ESI Highly Cited Paper)
12、Zhou M, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Bao Sand Sun J*. A novel lncRNA-focus expression signature for survival prediction in endometrial carcinoma. BMC Cancer. 2018, 18(1): 39
13、Cheng L,Yang H, Zhao H, Pei X, Shi H, Sun J, Zhang Y*, Wang Z*and Zhou M*.MetSigDis: a manually curated resource for the metabolic signatures of diseases. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2018, 20(1):203-209. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
14、Cheng L, Jiang Y, Ju H, Sun J, Peng J, Zhou M*and Hu Y*.InfAcrOnt: calculating cross-ontology term similarities using information flow by a random walk. BMC Genomics. 2018, 19 (Suppl 1):919
15、Zhou M, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Bao S, Cheng L and Sun J*. An immune-related six-lncRNA signature to improve prognosis prediction of glioblastoma multiforme. Molecular Neurobiology. 2018, 55(5):3684-3697.(ESI Highly Cited Paper)
16、Zhou M, Zhao H, Xu W, Bao S, Cheng L and Sun J*. Discovery and validation of immune-associated long non-coding RNA biomarkers associated with clinically molecular subtype and prognosis in diffuse large B cell lymphoma. Molecular cancer. 2017; 16(1):16.(ESI Highly Cited Paper)
17、Zhou M, Zhong L, Xu W, Sun Y, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Yang L and Sun J*. Discovery of potential prognostic long non-coding RNA biomarkers for predicting the risk of tumor recurrence of breast cancer patients. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:31038.
18、Zhou M, Xu W, Yue X, Zhao H, Wang Z, Shi H, Cheng L and Sun J*. Relapse-related long non-coding RNA signature to improve prognosis prediction of lung adenocarcinoma. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(20):29720-29738.
19、Zhou M, Wang X, Shi H, Cheng L, Wang Z, Zhao H, Yang L and Sun J*. Characterization of long non-coding RNA-associated ceRNA network to reveal potential prognostic lncRNA biomarkers in human ovarian cancer. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(11):12598-12611.
20、Zhou M, Sun Y, Sun Y, Xu W, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Zhong Z and Sun J*. Comprehensive analysis of lncRNA expression profiles reveals a novel lncRNA signature to discriminate nonequivalent outcomes in patients with ovarian cancer. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(22):32433-32448.
21、Zhou M, Diao Z, Yue X, Chen Y, Zhao H, Cheng L and Sun J*. Construction and analysis of dysregulated lncRNA-associated ceRNA network identified novel lncRNA biomarkers for early diagnosis of human pancreatic cancer. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(35):56383-56394.
22、Sun J, Cheng L, Shi H, Zhang Z, Zhao H, Wang Z and Zhou M. A potential panel of six-long non-coding RNA signature to improve survival prediction of diffuse large-B-cell lymphoma. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:27842.
23、Shi H, Zhang G, Zhou M, Cheng L, Yang H, Wang J, Sun J* and Wang Z. Integration of Multiple Genomic and Phenotype Data to Infer Novel miRNA-Disease Associations. PloS one. 2016; 11(2):e0148521.
24、Cheng L#, Sun J#, Xu W, Dong L, Hu Y and Zhou M. OAHG: an integrated resource for annotating human genes with multi-level ontologies. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:34820.
25、Cheng L, Shi H, Wang Z, Hu Y, Yang H, Zhou C, Sun J* and Zhou M. IntNetLncSim: an integrative network analysis method to infer human lncRNA functional similarity. Oncotarget. 2016; 7(30):47864-47874.
26、Cheng L, Jiang Y, Wang Z, Shi H, Sun J, Yang H, Zhang S, Hu Y and Zhou M. DisSim: an online system for exploring significant similar diseases and exhibiting potential therapeutic drugs. Sci Rep. 2016; 6:30024.
27、Zhou M, Zhao H, Wang Z, Cheng L, Yang L, Shi H, Yang H and Sun J*. Identification and validation of potential prognostic lncRNA biomarkers for predicting survival in patients with multiple myeloma. Journal of Experimental & Clinical Cancer Research. 2015; 34(1):1.(ESI Highly Cited Paper)
28、Zhou M, Wang X, Li J, Hao D, Wang Z, Shi H, Han L, Zhou H and Sun J*. Prioritizing candidate disease-related long non-coding RNAs by walking on the heterogeneous lncRNA and disease network. Molecular bioSystems. 2015; 11(3):760-769.
29、Zhou M, Guo M, He D, Wang X, Cui Y, Yang H, Hao D and Sun J*. A potential signature of eight long non-coding RNAs predicts survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. Journal of translational medicine. 2015; 13(1):231.(ESI Highly Cited Paper)
30、Wang HJ, Zhou M, Jia L, Sun J, Shi HB, Liu SL and Wang ZZ. Identification of Aberrant Chromosomal Regions in Human Breast Cancer Using Gene Expression Data and Related Gene Information. Medical science monitor: international medical journal of experimental and clinical research. 2015; 21:2557.
31、Sun J, Chen X, Wang Z, Guo M, Shi H, Wang X, Cheng L and Zhou M. A potential prognostic long non-coding RNA signature to predict metastasis-free survival of breast cancer patients. Sci Rep. 2015; 5:16553.
32、Zhou M, Han L, Zhang J, Hao D, Cai Y, Wang Z, Zhou H and Sun J*. A computational frame and resource for understanding the lncRNA-environmental factor associations and prediction of environmental factors implicated in diseases. Molecular bioSystems. 2014; 10(12):3264-3271.
33、Sun J, Shi H, Wang Z, Zhang C, Liu L, Wang L, He W, Hao D, Liu S and Zhou M. Inferring novel lncRNA-disease associations based on a random walk model of a lncRNA functional similarity network. Molecular bioSystems. 2014; 10(8):2074-2081.
34、Sun J, Zhou M, Yang H, Deng J, Wang L and Wang Q. Inferring potential microRNA-microRNA associations based on targeting propensity and connectivity in the context of protein interaction network. PLoS One. 2013; 8(7):e69719.
35、Sun J, Zhou M, Mao ZT, Hao DP, Wang ZZ and Li CX. Systematic analysis of genomic organization and structure of long non-coding RNAs in the human genome. FEBS Lett. 2013; 587(7):976-982.
36、Sun J, Gao B, Zhou M, Wang ZZ, Zhang F, Deng JE and Li X. Comparative genomic analysis reveals evolutionary characteristics and patterns of microRNA clusters in vertebrates. Gene. 2013; 512(2):383-391.
37、Sun J, Zhou M, Mao Z and Li C. Characterization and evolution of microRNA genes derived from repetitive elements and duplication events in plants. PLoS One. 2012; 7(4):e34092.
38、Sun J, Liu HP, Deng JE and Zhou M. Systematic analysis of genomic organization and heterogeneities of miRNA cluster in vertebrates. Mol Biol Rep. 2012; 39(5):5143-5149.
39、Sun J, Gao B, Zhou M, Wang ZZ, Zhang F, Deng JE and Li X. Comparative genomic analysis reveals evolutionary characteristics and patterns of microRNA clusters in vertebrates. Gene. 2012.
40、Lv S, Li Y, Wang Q, Ning S, Huang T, Wang P, Sun J, Zheng Y, Liu W, Ai J and Li X. A novel method to quantify gene set functional association based on gene ontology. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface. 2012; 9(70):1063-1072.
41、Zhou M#, Sun J#, Wang QH#, Song LQ, Zhao G, Wang HZ, Yang HX and Li X. Genome-wide analysis of clustering patterns and flanking characteristics for plant microRNA genes. Febs J. 2011; 278(6):929-940.
42、Wang QH#, Zhou M#, Sun J#, Ning SW, Li Y, Chen L, Zheng Y, Li X, Lv SL and Li X. Systematic analysis of human microRNA divergence based on evolutionary emergence. FEBS Lett. 2011; 585(1):240-248.
43、Wang Q#, Sun J#, Zhou M#, Yang H, Li Y, Li X, Lv S, Li X and Li Y. A novel network-based method for measuring the functional relationship between gene sets. Bioinformatics. 2011; 27(11):1521-1528.
44、Li X, Wang Q, Zheng Y, Lv S, Ning S, Sun J, Huang T, Zheng Q, Ren H, Xu J, Wang X and Li Y. Prioritizing human cancer microRNAs based on genes' functional consistency between microRNA and cancer. Nucleic acids research. 2011; 39(22):e153.
45、Zhou M, Wang Q, Sun J, Li X, Xu L, Yang H, Shi H, Ning S, Chen L, Li Y, He T and Zheng Y. In silico detection and characteristics of novel microRNA genes in the Equus caballus genome using an integrated ab initio and comparative genomic approach. Genomics. 2009; 94(2):125-131.